

Neo Software blog

Feature updates

Enhancing special action timing and patient age range

Users told us they like how special actions save time and ensure that key tasks are completed consistently—except when those actions occur sooner than staff expect or want, like when a reminder is triggered for an item that’s added to a consultation but later removed. We’ve fixed that by setting the default timing of special actions to occur at the end of the visit when you mark a consultation ready to be paid.  And just in time for puppy and kitten season, we’ve adjusted how patient age is displayed to reflect how humans commonly think of it; so it’s easier for you to determine whether a patient is old enough for specific services.

Master problems list

Check out the new Problems tab in the patient record; it reveals a complete list of every problem recorded in a patient’s consultations. Problems added or deleted in the master problem list section of a consultation are automatically reflected in this master problem list—and yes, the list is easy to print! 

Nifty new sales by product and discount summary reports

Our latest updates to Neo’s reporting capabilities are here! The new Sales by Product Class and Discount Summary reports provide three progressively detailed layers of information, so you can get a quick summary in chart form, or take a deep dive into the data itself. Each report is also packed with key performance indicators users told us they need to run their business successfully. One more improvement practice owners told us they’d like for privacy reasons: financial information is now collapsed and hidden when you first log in to Neo or go to the home page. 

Creating a single high-low estimate

You told us that creating an estimate should be easier, and you were right. Forget creating separate high and low estimates: now you can make a single estimate with high and low amounts, and even add discounts. Build your estimate with just a few clicks; and give it a unique name, so it is easy to locate in the patient’s estimate tab.

Reports are easier to find and use

You don’t have time to hunt for reports, so we’ve made them easier to navigate to, find, and understand. Use the new search functions to quickly find reports by title, description, or what they’re commonly used for. A thumbnail image even shows you how the data will be displayed (as a table, chart, or list). This is the first of multiple reporting improvements we’ll make throughout the year!