
Comprehensive Test Menu

Comprehensive laboratory testing including innovative, exclusive diagnostics.

The best menu of industry-leading diagnostics

IDEXX Reference Laboratories offers specialized equine testing and offers expertise in detecting the serious diseases affecting horses today.

Along with providing a team of board-certified equine specialists and the latest advancements in equine diagnostic research, IDEXX offers innovative new tests and delivers accurate, comprehensive results up front, so you can make more informed and confident medical decisions.

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Equine Chemistry Testing with IDEXX SDMA Test

In addition to a complete range of routine tests, our innovative tests include:
  • SDH (sorbitol dehydrogenase)—a highly specific liver enzyme that is a sensitive indicator of liver disease (hepatocellular leakage)
  • Endocrine testing, such as endogenous ACTH, insulin and dexamethasone suppression tests
  • Bile acids so you can evaluate liver function

Equine Hematology Testing

IDEXX offers a comprehensive equine CBC. Manual slide review could reveal:
  • Toxic change: an indicator of response to inflammation
  • Left shift: release of immature neutrophils in response to inflammation
  • Hemaparasites: e.g., Ehrlichia equi (Anaplasma phagocytophilum), Babesia and other parasites
  • Atypical cells: e.g., leukemia fibrinogen is always automatically included in the equine CBC for indicating inflammation
Equine Serology and Microbiology Testing
  • Coggins testing by AGID and ELISA procedures
  • A complete line of infectious disease serologic testing, including leptospirosis, Lyme disease and other tick-borne disease
  • IgG testing for foals to indicate adequacy of passive transfer
  • Automated microbiology system to allow more rapid culture results with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) to improve selection of antibiotics

Featured Tests

Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) Tests

IDEXX Reference Laboratories offers two different methods for testing for equine infectious anemia (EIA): by competitive ELISA (cELISA) or by AGID (Coggins). The cELISA method is quick and sensitive, and therefore, false-positive results are a possibility and must be verified by an AGID test which may increase time to result reporting.

  • Equine Infectious Anemia by cELISA 
  • Equine Infectious Anemia by AGID (Coggins)

These tests can only be performed when submitted with an EIA test submission formed signed by an accredited veterinarian.


  • Federal EIA test submission forms (manual or electronic) must be completed in full to prevent specimen processing delays.
  • The fully completed EIA test submission forms must be submitted with the specimen and an IDEXX test requisition form.
  • Submission of expired version of the form packet or expired veterinarian accreditation number may cause specimen processing delays or cancellations.


  • GlobalVetLink should be used to manage EIA test submissions and results. To create an account, visit
  • Print the completed unofficial electronic forms and submit along with the specimen and an IDEXX test requestion form.
  • Submission of manual forms or expired veterinarian accreditation number may cause specimen processing delays.

Follow this link for more information on the top 5 things you can do to ensure timely EIA testing results.

IDEXX SDMA testing

Earlier intervention for more effective management of kidney disease

SDMA, symmetric dimethylarginine, is produced in every cell and released into the body’s circulation during protein degradation. SDMA is excreted by the kidneys, making it a good marker for estimating kidney function. Identifying kidney disease earlier could help manage a horse's kidney disease more effectively.

Learn about SDMA for equine patients

Equine Diarrhea RealPCR Panel

Faster, more definitive diagnoses of equine gastrointestinal diseases

Identifying the pathogens causing equine gastrointestinal disease is critical for determining treatments, implementing biosecurity protocols and managing the spread of disease. Treatment protocols can be costly and inconvenient, so a quick, accurate diagnosis is essential.  

With the IDEXX Equine Diarrhea RealPCR Panel, veterinarians can now submit one sample to test for either 6 or 10 gastrointestinal pathogens.

The Equine Diarrhea RealPCR Panel is available in two configurations: Comprehensive and Standard. If a positive Salmonella PCR result is obtained with either panel, a culture and susceptibility test will be performed.

Pathogen Comprehensive Panel Standard Panel Culture*
Equine rotavirus x x  
Equine coronavirus x    
Cryptosporidium spp. x    
Salmonella spp. x x x
Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin A x x  
Rhodococcus equi x    
Clostridium difficile Toxin A x x  
Clostridium difficile Toxin B x x  
Neorickettsia risticii x    
Lawsonia intracellularis x x  
Sample requirements

Fecal sample (5–10 grams) in container (preferably sterile) with ice packs
For packaging and shipping information, call 1-888-433-9987.

Turnaround times

Tests are performed Monday–Friday, with results available within 1–3 business days. Results for specimens received on Friday are available Monday. Culture identification and susceptibility results are available within 72 hours after PCR results.

Comprehensive Equine Respiratory RealPCR Panel

Faster, more definitive diagnoses of equine respiratory disease

Identifying causative pathogens for respiratory disease is critical for determining treatments, implementing biosecurity protocols and managing the spread of disease. With the Comprehensive Equine Respiratory RealPCR Panel, veterinarians can now submit one specimen to test for up to nine respiratory diseases.

The Comprehensive Equine Respiratory RealPCR Panel consists of nine real-time PCR tests:

  • Equine Adenovirus RealPCR Test
  • Equine Influenza Virus (EIV/H3N8) RealPCR Test
  • Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 (EHV-1), Type 2 (EHV-2), Type 4 (EHV-4) and Type 5 (EHV-5) RealPCR™ tests
  • Equine Rhinitis A Virus (ERAV) and Equine Rhinitis B Virus (ERBV) RealPCR tests
  • Streptococcus equi subsp. equi RealPCR Test with Culture (Includes culture [organism ID only] on selective media for ß-hemolytic Streptococcus spp.), Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, and Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus RealPCR™ tests
  • Optional add-on test: Equine Arteritis Virus RealPCR Test (must be selected on test requisition form)
Specimen requirements

Deep nasopharyngeal swabs (one from each nostril). Please submit dry, plastic-stemmed swabs, without transport media, in an RTT or an empty, sterile tube; keep refrigerated. Collect specimen prior to antibiotic administration.

Turnaround time

1–4 working days for RealPCR panel; allow additional time for culture

GREER Aller-g-complete System from IDEXX Reference Laboratories

GREER and IDEXX Reference Laboratories bring you the most reliable, accurate and effective serum allergy testing and immunotherapy system for your equine patients, with the ease and convenience of:

  • The new Aller-g-detect Allergen Preliminary Panel.
  • Fast turnaround time with testing results available in 2–4 working days and therapy delivered within one week.
  • Complimentary expert consultations with a board-certified dermatologist.
  • Daily courier pickup or IDEXX-Direct® service via FedEx.
  • Always-available customer service and support.
  • Single-source specimen submission for all your diagnostic testing needs.

Allergy Panels

Find out how our combined strengths can help take the irritation out of allergy testing and treatments for patients, clients and you.

Aller-g-detect™ Allergen Preliminary Panel—Equine

Detects the presence of allergen-specific IgE antibodies against six common allergen groups: mites, molds, insects, grasses, weeds and trees.

Equine panels—testing that’s unique to your environment

Eight regionally specific panels ensure you’re testing for only the most relevant allergens in your area—and none that aren’t. Click here to find the panel that's right for your region.

You can request special allergy requisition forms using the supply order form or you can order using your preferred method, for example a standard requisition form, VetConnect® or a practice information management system. To confirm selection of the correct regional panel, refer to the IDEXX allergen regional panels map. If you have additional questions please call Laboratory Customer Support at 1-888-433-9987.

Specimen requirements for a standard regional panel: 2–3 mL serum.

To confirm selection of the correct regional panel, refer to the IDEXX allergen regional panels map, or call Laboratory Customer Service at 1-888-433-9987.

Tests submitted on the allergy test requisition form will have the correct region selected automatically based on the clinic’s ZIP Code.

Yes, to get a copy of previous results, contact Laboratory Customer Support at 1-888-433-9987.

For a list of allergens included in each regional panel, refer to the IDEXX allergen regional panels map.

No, specimens are not required to be shipped with a cold pack.

IDEXX offers complimentary dermatology consultations that provide assistance with serum IgE allergy testing and immunotherapy. Please call 1-888-433-9987, if you have questions.

To diagnose atopic dermatitis, you must first rule out all other common causes of pruritis. For guidance, please refer to the pruritic dermatitis algorithm (PDF).

No, you can submit serum using a standard tube or a serum separator tube.

SLIT is primarily indicated for treatment of atopic dermatitis in dogs and cats; results in horses have not been reported. We currently recommend the use of the injectable immunotherapy in horses.

Equine Herpesvirus Types 1 (EHV-1) and 4 (EHV-4) RealPCR Tests

New weapons in the fight against infectious diseases

Equine Herpesvirus Types 1 (EHV-1) and 4 (EHV-4) RealPCR Tests are sensitive tests that use real-time PCR technology to deliver speed and accuracy in detecting the presence of EHV-1 and EHV-4 DNA.

Equine Herpesvirus Type 1

Numerous outbreaks of EHV-1 have hit the equine industry, resulting in great loss.

EHV-1, a virus often found latent in normal horses, can present as respiratory disease or neurologic disease, or cause abortions. Once in a population of horses, the virus is spread quickly and can cause devastating results.

The Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 (EHV-1) RealPCR Test helps you confidently:
  • Diagnose horses exhibiting clinical signs consistent with EHV-1 disease
  • Diagnose horses exposed to confirmed EHV-1 cases
  • Isolate infected or exposed horses from other susceptible horses in a timely manner
  • Identify EHV-1 strains containing a mutation that is highly associated with neurologic clinical signs



Equine Herpesvirus Type 4

Equine herpesvirus type 4 (EHV-4; equine rhinopneumonitis virus) is a health risk to equine populations worldwide. Disease severity depends on multiple factors and may be latent in normal horses. And because clinical signs are similar to other respiratory diseases, it is difficult to make a definitive diagnosis from clinical presentation alone.

The Equine Herpesvirus Type 4 (EHV-4) RealPCR Test identifies:
  • EHV-4 in horses presenting with respiratory clinical signs
  • Horses that have been exposed to confirmed EHV-4 cases


PCR methods help distinguish between EHV-4, EHV-1 and EHV-1 neuropathogenic strains

Horses presenting with respiratory disease may have a dual infection with both EHV-1 and EHV-4. With the EHV-4 and EHV-1 RealPCR Tests, an equine practitioner can quickly distinguish between EHV-4, EHV-1, and the EHV-1 neuropathogenic mutant strain, to manage disease and prevent the spread of the virus to other horses.


Specimen requirements

2 mL EDTA whole blood and/or deep nasopharyngeal swabs (one from each nostril). Please submit dry, plastic-stemmed swabs, without transport media, in an RTT or an empty, sterile tube; keep refrigerated.

Note: Nasal swabs are used to detect animals shedding the virus or that were recently exposed to a confirmed case. A whole blood specimen is recommended from symptomatic animals to detect viremia.

With IDEXX RealPCR tests, you can count on
  • The latest innovation in PCR technology, with the virtual elimination of false positives.
  • Fast answers, so you can work through your list of differential diagnoses faster.
Turnaround time

1–4 working days






Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) Tests

Industry-leading EPM testing from IDEXX
  • EPM by Western Blot (Serum)
  • EPM by Western Blot (CSF)

Twelve years of collaboration with prominent researchers, along with countless conversations and consultations with veterinarians in the field, places IDEXX in a unique position. Since 1995, we have tested thousands of EPM specimens and accumulated a wealth of experience, expertise and a vast store of information about EPM.

EPM is a common neurological disease seen throughout the United States, and is strongly suspected in horses that present with clinical signs of neurological disease and a positive Sarcocystis neurona antibody response in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). However, exposure to S. neurona does not necessarily mean that the clinical signs of disease will occur. It’s impossible to predict which horses may display neurological signs of the disease based simply on the presence of serum antibodies, which only indicates that the horse was exposed to S. neurona.

Additional EPM testing options available:
  • CSF Index (Serum and CSF)
  • Cell Count and Differential (CSF)
  • EPM Profile I by Western Blot (Serum and CSF)
  • EPM Profile II by WB and PCR (CSF)
  • EPM Profile III by WB (serum and CSF) and PCR (CSF)

Understanding Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM)—Risk factors and signs
Know the risk factors for EPM1
  • Exposure to any site where EPM has been detected previously
  • Grazing pastures and/or feed accessible to other wildlife (especially opossums)
  • Excessive heat that may weaken the immune system
  • Age—especially horses one to five years of age
  • Stressful events, including trailering, breeding, showing, selling, training, foaling and nursing
Know the signs of EPM

Presenting clinical signs can be quite variable because they’re related to where lesions occur in the central nervous system. The most common clinical signs for EPM at presentation include asymmetric ataxia and focal muscle atrophy in the gluteal, or rump, area (most frequently). Other commonly observed clinical signs include:

  • Asymmetrical ataxia
  • Lack of coordination that worsens when the head is elevated
  • Stiff, stilted movements
  • Muscle deterioration (hindquarters, muscles of the face or front limbs)
  • Difficulty swallowing or loss of appetite
  • Facial muscular paralysis or loss of sensation
  • Stumbling
  • Seizure
  • Change in personality
  • Fatigue or narcolepsy
  • Head tilt with poor balance
  • Abnormal sweat patterns (focal sweating)
  • Head shaking
Testing recommendations

Our Western Blot (WB) Test detects S. neurona-specific IgG.

  • The presence of S. neurona-specific IgG in serum indicates exposure to this parasite, but not necessarily disease.
  • In the presence of neurologic signs, the presence of S. neurona-specific IgG in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) indicates active disease.

The EPM Profile 1 is recommended on a horse exhibiting neurologic signs.

Sample requirements

Refer to our Sample Submission Instructions to view the different sample collection guidelines for each type of test

Turnaround times

The IDEXX EPM testing is performed daily, Monday–Friday.
Western blot results are available within 24 hours if the sample is received by noon.

IDEXX Lyme and Anaplasma Phagocytophilum ELISA Test

Lyme and Anaplasma phagocytophilum (formerly Ehrlichia equi)
  • Detects, with one assay, horses infected with Borrelia burgdorferi and/or Anaplasma phagocytophilum
  • High sensitivity and specificity
  • A more accurate Lyme result based on the unique C6 peptide
  • Aids in the differential diagnosis of neurologic disease
Sample requirements

The Lyme/Anaplasma phagocytophilum test can be performed on serum, plasma or anticoagulated whole blood.

  • Samples can be stored at 4°C for up to one week or frozen (serum or plasma) for longer storage.
  • This test is not adversely affected by hemolyzed or lipemic samples.
Turnaround times

The Lyme/Anaplasma phagocytophilum Test is performed daily, Monday–Saturday.
Results are available within 24 hours.

McMasters Fecal Egg Count Test

When evaluating the effectiveness of a deworming program, simply determining the presence or absence of eggs is not enough.

The IDEXX McMaster Fecal Egg Count Test provides a quantitative analysis of egg count, so you can accurately monitor anthelmintic performance and recommend adjustments as necessary.
Consider running the IDEXX McMaster Fecal Egg Count Test when:

  • Determining the worm burden within an individual horse or on a farm
  • Evaluating anthelmintic efficacy

Additionally, this test will give you the information you need to help clients understand if their current deworming programs are working—and where you can make recommendations to improve effectiveness.

IDEXX Rhodococcus equi RealPCR Test

The IDEXX Rhodococcus equi (R. equi) RealPCR Test:

  • Detects strains that contain the virulence plasmid (VapA gene)
  • Includes culture confirmation of the presence of R. equi bacteria, virulent or avirulent strains

PCR methods are more rapid and sensitive than culture, and can identify virulent R. equi

Horses are unique in that the R. equi strains which cause disease almost all contain a plasmid that carries a virulence gene. VapA, whose function is not well understood, is necessary for clinical disease.

The detection of R. equi by standard bacterial culture can be difficult if the horse has received antibiotic therapy. Further, culture cannot identify strains that carry the virulence plasmid. PCR methods are not only more rapid and sensitive than culture, but also can identify virulent R. equi.

Sample requirements
  • Recommended specimen is at least 5 mL of tracheal wash fluid placed in a sterile tube without preservatives.
  • Ship with ice pack within 24 hours of collection if possible. If stored, refrigerate at 4°C but do not freeze.
Turnaround times

Test is performed daily, Monday–Friday, with results available within 48 hours.

IDEXX Streptococcus equi (S. equi) subsp. equi ELISA

Quantify Streptococcus equi subsp. equi antibody levels using the test that measures the immune reponse to the SeM protein, the major virulence factor of S. equi subsp. equi.

Performed on serum, this test provides antibody levels as titers in one of five different categories:
  • Negative
  • Weak positive
  • Moderate positive
  • High positive
  • Very high positive
This test is very useful if you suspect:
  • Recent infections or recent vaccinations
  • The need for booster vaccinations
  • Purpura hemorrhagica
  • Metastatic abscesses (“bastard strangles”)
  • Streptococcal myositis
Sample requirements

1 mL of serum.

Turnaround time

Results are available in 2–5 working days.

IDEXX Salmonella RealPCR and Culture ID Test

There’s a faster way to detect and contain Salmonella

The IDEXX Salmonella RealPCR Test helps you quickly identify and isolate contagious horses, even asymptomatic horses.

  • Confirm the presence of Salmonella organisms quickly with our highly specific and sensitive Salmonella real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.
  • Isolate infected patients, implement therapy and identify environmental contamination in a more timely manner.
  • Quickly identify diarrhea caused by Salmonella.
  • Automatic culture identification of Salmonella spp. organisms for confirmation of positive PCR result.


Sample requirements
  • Acceptable specimens include:
  • Fecal swabs (in transport media without charcoal) with ice packs
  • Fecal samples (1–5 grams in sterile containers) with ice packs
  • Environmental swabs or wipes (in sterile containers containing peptone broth to cover, but not incubated)
  • Ship sample within 24 hours of collection.
Turnaround times

The IDEXX Salmonella RealPCR and Culture ID Test is performed daily, Monday–Friday.

  • PCR results are available within 24 hours if the sample is received by 5:00 p.m.
  • PCR results for specimens received on Friday are available Monday.
  • Culture identification results are available within 72 hours of sample receipt.

IDEXX West Nile Virus (WNV) IgM Capture ELISA Test

  • Detects IgM response elicited by recent infection with WNV
  • Can be performed on the same sample submitted for EPM testing
  • Aids in the differential diagnosis of neurologic disease
Sample requirements

The WNV test is performed on serum only.

  • If necessary, store at 4°C for up to seven days or frozen for up to 30 days. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
  • Do not submit hemolyzed or lipemic serum.
Turnaround times

The WNV Test is performed twice weekly.
Results are available within 2-10 working days.