
IDEXX Cornerstone Software

News and information

Search tips to get to the right client and patient

Clients with similar names. Multiple owners of the same pet. Dozens of dogs named Duke. We’ve all spent precious time searching for a patient or client—only to find that we’ve turned up the wrong one. Learn how 9.1’s client/patient search tool is a game changer, and a little refresher of search options and overlooked search methods. 

Need to review a detailed invoice history for a specific patient? There’s a report for that!

Don’t let the report name (or report group name) fool you; this is a very handy report when you are wanting to review a specific patient’s invoice history. Whether looking at the total spent, number of invoices, or staff IDs on the invoices themselves, the Treatment Report (Reports > Equine) can provide the information you seek. And when saved to Microsoft Excel, it can provide even more details!

Share these tips and impress your friends

Dozens of Cornerstone devotees joined us for our free Cornerstone User Groups at VMX and WVC. And in addition to learning about the latest updates as well as best practices for inventory and reporting, they got the chance to ask those “how the heck do I?” type questions to Cornerstone expert Michelle Campoli. We’ve collected the best of the bunch along with Michelle’s answers here. 

How to pinpoint patients who need a heartworm reminder

As the days get longer and we slowly shrug off winter, heartworm season lurks around the corner for many of you. In addition to refreshing your standard heartworm testing reminder skills, read on for a tip on how to pinpoint all canines that have not had a heartworm test in a given time period as well as those who may be missing a test reminder altogether!

10 ways it pays to buy your hardware from IDEXX

Ready to replace that creaky laptop, antique workstation or furry server? There’s not one good reason to buy your Cornerstone hardware from IDEXX—there are 10!