
Seamlessly share referral information

The cloud-based rVetLink Referral Management Solution works with your existing tools to make collaboration easier.

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eReferral through mobile or web

Referring veterinarians can submit cases through your online portal using iPhone/Android devices or computers.

Notification system

Timely patient updates keep referring veterinarians informed throughout treatment.

PIMS integration

Direct integration with commonly used practice information management systems (PIMS), including Cornerstone, DVMAX, ImproMed Infinity, ezyVet, Signature, and VIA software, ensures secure access.

The referral relationship is incredibly important, and if you damage that, it's hard to recover. So if you're not giving back information in a timely manner or making the process easy for the referring veterinarian to send a client your way, they're not going to continue to do that. rVetLink has really changed our lives as far as sharing information goes.

Katie Lashbrook, Systems Administrator, Animal Medical Center

When we implemented rVetLink, it was the only time that I didn't get any negative pushback [from our staff], because all we did was make their lives easier. There was really no downside for our doctors because it just simplified their lives.

Shayne Gardner, Hospital Manager, Coral Springs Animal Hospital