

生效日期:October 1, 2020







1. 提供信息内容服务

  • 爱德士中国各网络平台的信息内容服务需要依赖部分信息才得以运行。当您在各网络平台中浏览、搜索我们的产品、服务和其他信息(例如产品介绍、产品培训、临床疾病学习、实验室知识、客户沟通及医院管理),或进行资料下载,我们可能收集如下信息:

(1) 记录信息:指您使用我们的服务时,站点或程序可能记录的相关信息,包括您使用程序的频率、崩溃数据、使用时间、使用习惯、使用情况、性能数据、应用程序的来源,以及名为Cookie的小数据文件。

(2) 网络身份标识信息:账户名、账户昵称、IP地址。

(3) 个人常用设备信息:硬件型号、设备MAC地址、操作系统类型、软件列表、唯一设备识别码(如IMEI/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID/IDFV/SIM卡IMSI信息等在内的描述个人常用设备基本情况的信息)。

  • 对于上述个人信息,我们将用于管理、维护和改进我们的站点、APP等各网络平台,确保各网络平台运行的安全稳定。
  • Cookie可能被用于记住您访问我们网站时的首选设置,进而改善您使用这些网站的体验。具体而言,Cookie可以使我们对访问爱德士中国的网站的用户进行身份验证,自定义特定用户的访问体验,记住用户对设备使用Cookie的接受情况以及执行其他个性化功能。我们还可能使用Cookie来了解您浏览我们网站的更多信息。如您想禁用Cookie,可更改浏览器的设定,但更改后可能无法正常使用我们网络平台的某些功能。如您希望了解更多Cookie的信息,请参见

2. 提供产品订购服务

  • 当您订购产品时,我们可能收集您的个人信息,包括您的姓名、联系电话、邮箱、地址,以完成产品发货、配送服务;我们可能收集您的支付信息,包括银行卡号、安全码、银行账户信息以便于您完成支付。
  • 当您在线订购产品,您需要注册账号并提供以下个人信息,包括您的姓名、联系电话、所在地、邮箱、地址、医院、职位,以便于我们向您提供爱德士产品订购服务。
  • 我们可能会和协助我们实现产品订购服务的第三方(例如经销商)共享您的个人信息,以完成供货、支付、配送服务等。
  • 协助我们开展业务经营的第三方(例如供应商、经销商、第三方支付服务提供商)也会通过服务收集和使用您的个人信息,并与我们共享。我们将对该等个人信息来源的合法性及授权同意范围进行确认,若超出您的授权同意,我们将再次征得您的同意。
  • 为便于我们进行客户管理、忠诚度计划管理,您将允许我们收集和使用您的订单信息、积分信息和收藏信息。
  • 当您作为爱德士中国的经销商时,我们可能会收集您的个人信息,包括 姓名、邮箱、生日、职位职责、工作地址 。我们还可能在适用法律允许的情况下,通过第三方调查服务收集您的个人信息,包括姓名、邮箱、生日、职位职责、工作地址、简历、工作经历、国籍信息(如护照号码)以及犯罪经历。

3. 提供客户学习服务

  • 为参与我们提供的VIP用户线上课程,您需注册账号并提供您的个人信息,包括姓名、联系电话、电子邮箱、所在地、QQ、MSN、用户名、密码、所属医院、医院地址、职务、从业年限。
  • 您可以在“线上课程”中发布信息(例如留言反馈板块、问答信息板块等)。请您注意,“线上课程”面向公众公开,您将自行承担在“线上课程”发布、公开您的信息的风险,有权访问您信息的第三方的行为不受我们的控制。
  • 为使用在线投稿功能,您需向我们提供您的姓名、联系电话、分享病例信息。

4. 组织线下课程、会议、宣讲活动改善我们的产品或服务

  • 当您就我们的产品或服务与我们联系时,我们可能因您主动告知而获得、使用您的个人信息,以便于我们回答或处理您提出的问题、意见或建议,并进行客户跟踪反馈。
  • 我们根据本政策所收集的个人信息将被用于改进我们为您提供的产品和服务,提升我们的售后服务,向您发送用户满意度调研,向您推荐您可能感兴趣的产品、服务或活动,研发更加丰富的课程并有效提升线上课程质量,更好地满足您的培训需求,向您推荐相关课程等。
  • 我们可能会通过第三方收集您的个人信息,以丰富我们对您的了解,从而改进我们为您提供的产品和服务。我们将对该等个人信息来源的合法性及授权同意范围进行确认,若超出您的授权同意,我们将再次征得您的同意。

5. 履行我们的法定义务

  • 当您致电爱德士道德热线或通过爱德士道德热线提交在线表格,我们可能因您主动告知而获得、使用您的个人信息。
  • 爱德士道德热线受理及案件管理系统由我们直接或间接委托的第三方负责。当您拨打爱德士道德热线时,有关专业人士将根据您的问题向您提出询问,并将您提供的信息记录到安全的系统中。该等信息后续将发送至爱德士合规部门的相关人员。
  • 我们必须打造道德的营商环境,以及履行适用于所有美国上市公司的法定义务。

6. 您充分知晓,以下情形中,我们可能会收集并使用您的个人信息而无需征得您的授权同意:

6.1 与我们履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;

6.2 与国家安全、国防安全有关的;

6.3 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;

6.4 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等有关的;

6.5 出于维护您或他人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到您本人同意的;

6.6 所收集的个人信息是您自行向社会公众公开的;

6.7 从合法公开披露的信息中收集的您的个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道;

6.8 根据您的要求签订和履行合同所必需的;

6.9 用于维护所提供的产品与/或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品 与/或服务的故障;

6.10 法律法规规定的其他情形。

第二部分: 我们如何共享、转让、公开披露、委托处理您的个人信息

1. 共享


1.1 事先获得您明确同意的情况下,我们会在法律法规允许的范围及您的授权范围内共享您的个人信息,除非共享的个人信息是去标识化处理后的信息,且数据接收方无法重新识别或者关联个人信息主体。

1.2 我们可能会将您的个人信息与我们的关联方共享。但我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且受本政策中所述目的的约束。我们的关联方如要改变个人信息的处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意。

1.3 仅为实现本政策所述目的,我们可能会与代表、协助我们提供服务(例如数据分析、系统维护、处理订单、客户服务等)的第三方共享您的个人信息。我们将要求该等第三方按照我们的指示以及不低于本政策之保护标准的条件处理您的个人信息。

2. 转让


2.1 事先获得您的明确同意;

2.2 在涉及资产转让、收购、兼并、重组或破产清算时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会向您告知有关情况,并要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受本政策的约束。如变更个人信息使用目的时,我们将要求该公司、组织重新取得您的明确同意。

3. 公开披露


4. 根据相关法律法规及国家标准,在以下情形中,我们共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息无需征得您的同意:

4.1 与我们履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;

4.2 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;

4.3 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;

4.4 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;

4.5 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到您本人同意的;

4.6 您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;

4.7 从合法公开披露的信息中收集的个人信息,例如:合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。


  1. 我们仅在本政策所述目的所必需期间和法律法规要求的时限内保留您的个人信息。如果超过上述期限,我们将及时销毁或对您的个人信息进行匿名化处理。
  2. 依照适用法律,我们已使用符合业界标准的技术措施和管理措施保护您提供的个人信息,防止相关数据遭到未经授权的访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。我们会采取一切合理可行的措施,保护您的个人信息。
  3. 互联网环境并非百分之百安全,我们将尽力确保或担保您发送给我们的任何信息的安全性。请您确保自己的账号和密码安全,不向他人提供该等信息。
  4. 在不幸发生个人信息安全事件后,我们将按照法律法规的要求,及时向您告知:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议、对您的补救措施等。我们将及时将事件相关情况以邮件、信函、电话、推送通知等方式告知您,难以逐一告知个人信息主体时,我们会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,主动上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。



1. 访问您的个人信息 您有权访问您的个人信息,法律法规规定的例外情况除外。

2. 更正/更新您的个人信息 如您提交的个人信息有误或发生变更,您可以联系我们要求更正。

3. 注销账号 您可以随时联系我们注销您的账号。在您的账号注销后,我们将停止向您提供服务,并将按照您的请求删除您的个人信息或进行匿名化处理,除非适用的法律法规另有规定。

4. 删除您的个人信息 出现以下情形,您可以联系我们删除您的个人信息:

4.1 我们对您个人信息的处理违反适用法律法规。

4.2 未经您的同意,我们收集或使用了您的个人信息。

4.3 我们对您个人信息的处理违反了我们与您之间的约定。

4.4 您不再使用我们的产品或服务,或者您已经注销您的账号。

4.5 我们不再向您提供我们的产品或服务。


5. 改变您授权同意的范围

5.1 每个业务功能需要一些基本的个人信息才能得以完成。对于额外收集的个人信息的收集和使用,您可以随时联系我们收回您的授权同意。

5.2 当您收回同意后,我们将不再处理相应的个人信息。但您收回同意的决定,不会影响此前基于您的授权而开展的个人信息处理。

5.3 如果您不想接受我们给您发送的商业广告或推送信息,您随时可以联系我们取消。

6. 我们如何响应您的请求

您可以通过以下邮箱联系我们: 。对于您就上述权利向我们提出的请求,除非法律法规另有规定,我们将在30天内尽快作出答复。如您不满意我们的答复,可通过第八部分中列明的联系方式向我们进行投诉。


6.1 与我们履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;

6.2 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;

6.3 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;

6.4 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和执行判决等直接相关的;

6.5 我们有充分证据表明您存在主观恶意或滥用权利的;

6.6 出于维护您或他人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到您同意的;

6.7 响应您的请求将导致您或其他个人、组织的合法权益受到严重损害的;

6.8 涉及商业秘密的。


  1. 我们将未满十四周岁的未成年人视为儿童。
  2. 我们的各网络平台、产品和服务不面向儿童,我们也不会有意收集、使用、处理儿童的个人信息。
  3. 若我们发现已经收集或可能收集了儿童个人信息,我们会设法尽快删除相关信息。


  1. 爱德士是一家跨国公司,为实现我们全球业务的运营,及为遍布全球的客户提供服务,我们可能需要将您的个人信息转移到您使用产品或服务所在国家以外的其他国家或地区,或者受到来自这些国家或地区的访问,以实现我们处理您的个人信息的目的。
  2. 我们将始终按照本政策要求进行此类跨境转移。请注意,其他国家或地区的个人信息保护的法律要求可能与中国有所不同,但是我们会采取技术措施和其他必要措施,确保您的个人信息得到不低于本政策所述程度的保护。


  1. 我们可能会随着情况变化更新个人信息保护政策。
  2. 未经您明确同意,我们不会削减您按照本政策所应享有的权利。如果本政策发生更新,我们会在本页面发布更新版本。
  3. 如果您在本政策更新后继续使用我们提供的产品或服务,即表明您已经仔细阅读、充分理解更新后的个人信息保护政策并同意接受更新后的个人信息保护政策的约束。



IDEXX China Privacy Policy

Effective date: October 1, 2020

IDEXX Laboratories (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and/or its affiliates (collectively “We” or “IDEXX China”) respect your privacy. Whether you are searching, inquiring, or ordering our products and services, or enrolling in our learning platforms to enhance your expertise, this Privacy Policy tells you how we collect, use, store, share and transfer your personal information, and your rights to your personal information.

This Privacy Policy applies to all IDEXX China online platforms, including but not limited to IDEXX China official website “” and our other websites (the “Sites”), IDEXX China mobile application (App), IDEXX China WeChat mini program and IDEXX China WeChat official account.

Personal information in this Privacy Policy refers to information in electronic or other forms, that can be used, alone or in combination with other information, to identify a specific natural person or reflect activities of a specific natural person.

If you are an IDEXX China customer, prospective customer, website visitor, vendor, distributor, pet owner, or any other person whose personal information may be processed in our business interactions, please carefully read this Privacy Policy. Your registration, login, browse, or using our online or digital services is deemed as your consent to all terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy aims to help you understand:

  1. How we collect and use your personal information
  2. How we share, transfer and disclose your personal information
  3. How we retain and secure your personal information
  4. Your rights
  5. How we process children’s personal information
  6. International transfers of personal information
  7. How this Privacy Policy is updated
  8. How to contact us

I. How we collect and use your personal information


1. Information services

  • The functioning of our information services on each IDEXX China online platform relies on the collection of certain personal information. When you browse and search our products, services and other information (e.g. product description, equipment training, clinical disease, laboratory knowledge, customer communication and hospital management) on our online platforms, or download files, we may collect the following information:

1) Tracking information: information that may be recorded by the sites or programs during your use, including the frequency of use, data crashes, time of use, using habits, service condition, performance data, sources of the application, and cookies.

2) Network identification information: username, online ID and IP address.

3) Personal device information: device model, MAC address, operating system, software list, device identification code (information that describe the status of your personal device such as IMEI/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID/IDFV/IMSI information of the SIM card, etc.).

  • We will use your personal information to manage, maintain and improve our sites, App and other online platforms, and ensure the security and stability of such platforms.
  • Cookies are used to record your preferences when visiting our websites, thereby improving your experience. These cookies allow us to authenticate users of IDEXX China websites, to customize user experience, to remember if you have accepted our use of cookies on your device, and to offer other personalized features. We may also use these cookies to learn more about how users navigate through our websites. If you want to disable these cookies, you can do so by changing your website browser options. Please note that disabling cookies may restrict your access to certain services. More information about cookies is available at

2. Product ordering

  • When you order our products, we may collect your personal information such as name, phone number, email address, and address for product shipment and delivery; To facilitate your payments, we may also collect your payment information such as credit card number, verification number, bank account information.
  • When you order our products online, you need to register an account with us and provide personal information, such as name, phone number, city, email address, hospital and job title.
  • We may share your personal information with trusted third parties that assist us with product ordering services (such as distributors) to complete product delivery, payment processing, and courier services.
  • Third parties that assist our business operations (such as vendors, distributors, and third-party payment service providers) may collect and use your personal information through their services, and share your personal information with us. We will verify the legitimacy of the sources of such personal information and the scope of the consent. If such collection and use exceed your consent, we will seek your consent again.
  • In order to manage our customers and our loyalty programs, we may collect your personal information such as information about your order, points and wish.
  • If you are an IDEXX China distributor, we may collect your personal information including name, email address, date of birth, job title, and business address. We may also, where permitted by law, collect your personal information through third-party due diligence service providers, including name, email address, date of birth, job title, business address, curriculum vitae, work experience, national identification details (such as passport number), and criminal records.

3. Online learning services

  • To participate in our online VIP courses, you need to register an account and provide your personal information such as name, phone number, email address, your city, QQ, MSN, username, password, hospital, hospital address, job title, and years of work.
  • You can post information in online courses (such as Messages, Q&A, etc.). Please note that you shall bear the risk of publishing and disclosing your personal information in online courses, since the online courses are accessible by the public, and we have no control on third parties who access your information.
  • To submit your articles online, you need to provide your personal information such as name, phone number and cases to be shared.

4.    Live events, conferences, raffles and/or webinars for improving our products and services

  • When you contact us about our products or services, we may collect your personal information that you voluntarily provide to us. We will use your personal information to answer or process your questions, comments or suggestions, and conduct customer feedback.
  • We may use personal information collected under this Privacy Policy to improve our products and services, improve our after-sales services, to circulate customer satisfaction surveys, to recommend products, services or events you may be interested in, to develop more diversified courses and to improve the quality of our courses, to meet your training needs, and to recommend relevant courses to you.
  • We may collect your personal information from third parties, to enrich our knowledge about you, and to improve our products and services. We will verify the legitimacy of the sources of such personal information and the scope of the original consent. If such collection exceeds your original consent, we will seek your consent again.

5.    Complying with our legal obligations

  • When you call the IDEXX Ethics Hotline or submit an online form via the IDEXX Ethics Hotline, we may collect your personal information that you voluntarily provide to us.
  • We, directly or indirectly, contracted a third party to host the IDEXX Ethics Hotline intake and case management system. When you place a call to the IDEXX Ethics Hotline, a specialist will ask you questions regarding your concern. The specialist will record the information you provide into a secure system and will send notice of a submission to an authorized member of the IDEXX Compliance Department.
  • It is necessary to promote an ethical business environment and satisfy certain legal obligations applicable to all U.S. publicly traded companies.

6.    You fully acknowledge and agree that we may collect and use your personal information without your consent, under any of the following circumstances:

6.1.    where the collection or use is necessitated by the performance of our legal obligations;
6.2.    where the collection or use is necessary for reasons of state security or national defense security;
6.3.    where the collection or use is necessary for reasons of public security, public health, or material public interests;
6.4.    where the collection or use is necessitated by the investigation, prosecution, adjudication or law enforcement of criminal cases, etc.;
6.5.    where the collection or use is necessary for safeguarding your or others’ material legal rights and interests, such as right to life and property, and it is difficult to obtain your consent;
6.6.    where the personal information collected is voluntarily made public by you;
6.7.    where the personal information is collected from lawful and public sources, such as lawful news reports and government-released information;
6.8.    where the collection or use is necessary for the execution and performance of a contract requested by you;
6.9.    where the collection or use is necessary for ensuring the safety and stability of our products or services, such as identifying and addressing flaws in our products or services;
6.10.    Other circumstances specified in laws and regulations.

II.    How we share, transfer and disclose your personal information

1.    Sharing

We will keep your personal information strictly confidential. Unless otherwise required by law, we will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual except under the following circumstances:

1.1.    With your prior explicit consent, we may share your personal information as permitted by law and within the scope of your consent, except where such information is de-identified, and the information recipient cannot re-identify you or associate the information with you.
1.2.    We may share your personal information with our affiliates. We will only share personal information that is necessary to be shared and strictly within the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. If any affiliate changes the purpose for processing your personal information, your consent will be sought again.
1.3.    For the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy only, we will share your personal information with trusted third parties who provide services on our behalf (such as data analysis, system maintenance, order processing, customer services, etc.). We require them to process personal information according to our instructions and terms and conditions no less stringent than those provided in the Privacy Policy.

2.    Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any other company, organization or individual, except under the following circumstances:

2.1.    Transfer your personal information according to your prior explicit consent;
2.2.    If your personal information is transferred as a result of a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, we will inform you and ensure that the surviving company or organization that will possess your personal information to be continuously bound by this Privacy Policy. If the purpose for personal information use changes, we will require the surviving company or organization to seek your consent again.

3.    Public disclosure

In principle, we will not publicly disclose your personal information. If your personal information must be publicly disclosed, we will inform you of the purpose of disclosure, the type of personal information to be disclosed, and whether any sensitive personal information is involved, and seek your explicit consent.

4.    Under any of the following circumstances, our sharing, transfer or disclosure of your personal information is not subject to your consent:

4.1.    where the sharing, transfer or disclosure is necessitated by the performance of our legal obligations;
4.2.    where the sharing, transfer or disclosure is necessary for reasons of state security or national defense security;
4.3.    where the sharing, transfer or disclosure is necessary for reasons of public security, public health, or material public interests;
4.4.    where the sharing, transfer or disclosure is necessitated by the investigation, prosecution, adjudication, or law enforcement of criminal cases etc.;
4.5.    where the sharing, transfer or disclosure is necessary for safeguarding your or others’ material legal rights and interests, such as the right to life and property, and it is difficult to obtain your consent;
4.6.    where the personal information collected is voluntarily made public by you;
4.7.    where the personal information is collected from lawful and public sources, such as lawful news reports and government-released information.

III.    How we retain and secure your personal information

  1. We will only retain your personal information for a limited period necessary for achieving the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy or as required by law. We will promptly delete or anonymize your personal information after such retention period expires.
  2. We have technical and administrative measures that meet industry standards to protect your personal information, to prevent unauthorized data access, public disclosure, use, tampering, damage or loss. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information.
  3. The Internet environment is not one hundred percent secured, and we will endeavor to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you provide. Please properly protect your account and password information, and do not share such information with others.
  4. In case of any personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with requirements set out in laws and regulations, inform you promptly of following matters, including basic information about the security incident and the potential impact, the measures we have taken or will take to deal with such incident, suggestions on what measures you may take to prevent or mitigate risks, and your remedies. We will inform you of the status of the incident by email, letter, phone or push notifications. In the event that it is difficult for our notification to reach every individual affected, we will make public announcements in a reasonable and effective manner. Meanwhile, we will report the status of the handling of the security incident as required by the regulator.

IV.    Your Rights

We respect and honor your rights to your personal information under relevant laws and regulations, and common practices in other countries and regions, which include the following:

1.    Access your personal information

You have the right to access your own personal information, unless otherwise required by law. 

2.    Correct/update your personal information

If you find that your personal information we possess is wrong or your personal information has changed, you may request us to update the information. 

3.    Deregister your account

You may deregister your account at any time. Once your account is deregistered, our services will cease, and your personal information will be deleted or anonymized upon your request, unless otherwise required by law.

4.    Delete your personal information

Under any of the following circumstances, you may contact us to delete your personal information:

4.1.    When our processing of personal information violates law;
4.2.    When we collect or use your personal information without your consent;
4.3.    When our processing of personal information violates our agreement with you;
4.4.    When you no longer use our products or services, or has deregistered your account; or
4.5.    When we no longer provide you with any products or services.

Once your information has been removed from our services, such deletion may not be immediately synchronized in our systems, and we will delete the information once our systems are updated.

5.    Change the scope of your consent

5.1.    Each business function requires certain basic personal information. You may withdraw your consent regarding the collection and use of any supplement personal information at any time.
5.2.    Once you withdraw your consent, we will not process the corresponding personal information. However, your withdrawal of consent does not affect our previous processing of your personal information based on your consent.
5.3.    If you do not wish to receive our advertisements or notifications, you may contact us to unsubscribe at any time.

6.    Responding to your requests

You can reach us by sending an email to the following address: We will promptly respond to your rights requests within 30 days, unless otherwise specified by applicable laws or regulations. You may contact us to make a complaint if you are dissatisfied with our response. 

We will not respond to your requests under any of the following circumstances:

6.1.    Where the processing is necessitated by the performance of our legal obligations;
6.2.    where the processing is necessary for reasons of state security or national defense security;
6.3.    where the processing is necessary for reasons of public security, public health, or material public interests;
6.4.    where the processing is necessitated by the investigation, prosecution, adjudication, or law enforcement of criminal cases etc.;
6.5.    Where we have proof that your request is frivolous or vexatious;
6.6.    Where the processing is necessary for safeguarding your or others’ material legal rights and interests, such as the right to life and property, and it is difficult to obtain your consent;
6.7.    Where responding to your requests will give rise to serious damages to the rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations; 
6.8.    Where your requests involve our trade secrets.

V.    How we process children’s personal information

  1. We regard any minor under the age of 14 as a child.
  2. Our online platforms, products, and services are not intended for children, and we do not knowingly collect, use or process personal information of children. 
  3. If we become aware that we have or may have collected a child’s personal information, we will promptly delete such personal information.

VI.    International transfers of personal information

  1. IDEXX is a multinational company. For our global business needs and to serve our global customers, we may need to transfer your personal information to countries other than your country of residence, or your personal information may be accessed from these countries, if this is necessary to achieve the purposes for processing your personal information.
  2. We will always make such transfers in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please note that legal requirements on personal information protection of other countries or regions may differ from those of China. Nevertheless, we will take reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is protected according to terms and conditions no less stringent than this Privacy Policy.

VII.    How this Privacy Policy is updated

  1. It may be necessary from time to time for us to update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in the way we collect and use personal information or changes in applicable laws, regulations and industry standards. 
  2. Without your explicit consent, we will not diminish your rights under this Privacy Policy. We will publish any amendments to this Privacy Policy on this webpage.
  3. If you continue to use our products or services after this Privacy Policy is updated, you are deemed to have fully read and agreed to be bound by the updated Privacy Policy. 

VIII.    How to contact us

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments about our Privacy Policy or about the use of your personal information, you can always reach us by sending email to the following address: We will respond to your emails within 30 days.